I think we have to say this is a disappointment. Brandt's guide (recommended of course by Michael Palin) says "when I visited they were applying the finishing touches" (printed in 2009) but apart from the vaguely attractive wooden cabins and some "open chalets", the rest is still little more than a (non working) building site, although it is great to be sitting here on the shores (no beach) of the Red Sea. Water availability is, shall we say, restricted and there are no laundry facilities as the woman is on holiday for "the Feast". Rooms cost £50 per night (no food, simply two beds and a cupboard), but no Internet, or of course wifi - however, presumably some of this drivel will eventually get "published" for the great benefit of the wider world.
SRSR is simply a (still being built) diving and snorkelling resort on the coast - the Brandt guide waxes lyrical about the quality of what is to be experienced here. (Hans - and Lottie? - Hass made his name here, and Jaques Cousteau led his maiden voyage in 'Calypso' from here). Apparently nowhere else in the Red Sea can offer the staggering numbers of fish (including manta rays and hammerhead sharks) - Lesley and Clive please note. We of course are not up to this, but thought we should try snorkelling. Virtually all afternoon spent in a total shambles - no flippers, no snorkels, no boat, no organisation and no idea how to run a business! We shall try again tomorrow.
Having said that, we had an excellent buffet evening meal, although not quite sure of the dessert - custard with presumably a few tins of fruit salad mixed in, and coated with cornflakes. Genuine Sudanese, or an attempt at a western dish?
Good to know that you are still well - after not hearing for several days. Will read complete travelogue later. Then look forward to daily? accounts again,
Mike + Monnie.