Tuesday 15 January 2013

Day 104- Divendu 15/1/13

Woke up to find a long trail of hippo footprints right through our camp but it takes more than that to frighten we overlanders! So it was back into our marokos for our final cruise, and back to the mainland, where we retraced our steps back into Namibia, where we shall be spending the next couple of weeks. There were lots of birds (I thought mainly carmine beeeaters, but Maj says lilac breasted rollers) on the electricity wires along the road for many miles and then suddenly none and then they were back as we got closer to the border.

We were scheduled to have a river trip to see the local "falls" but as it turned out that these are "only rapids" and we have so recently seen the real thing at VF (to say nothing of the $20 charge), we all ended up chilling out etc with wifi etc.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear Bryan you could have been at the second U3A AGM but instead you choose to have a life and a wonderful holiday of a lifetime. Very very good choice!!!!!!!!!

    Someone did ask when you were returning;-))))
