Sunday, 16 December 2012

Day 72 Nakuru 14/12/12

Yet another just fantastic day. Another predawn start so that we were in the Nakuru National Park by 07.00. This is where much of the film "Out of Africa" was shot, and is on the base of the Rift Valley, and we spent over eleven hours here in open roof 4x4s. Starting with the birds first, there are flocks of pink flamingoes and pelicans, and some 400 others of goodness knows what types. We saw crown cranes, cormorants, yellow billed storks, etc etc etc. I did have my first opportunity to actually see a kingfisher at close range, rather than just a flash of blue.

And then on to the animals. Zebra, buffalo, giraffe (Rothschild, rather than the 'reticulated' ones we had seen in Samburu), and both black and white rhinos (both in act different shades of grey) and different antelopes etc etc (all in addition of course to those we saw in Samburu). We were feeling rather chuffed that, out of the Big Five, we had therefore seen elephants on the previous two days, and now buffalo and rhino as well. And then, in the late afternoon, we saw a pair of leopards, so up to four out of five. And then, some eleven hours after our arrival, we saw two lionesses (and the rear of a third - lion or lioness). We were all cock a hoop - 5/5 in only two days.

We returned home to a beautiful meal provided by the campsite - dessert being the most delicious sticky toffee pudding any of us had ever tasted.

Just another brilliant day.

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