Saturday, 6 October 2012

Day 2

This being Friday and therefore the sabbath and many places closed, I decided to go for a walk around "old Cairo". Quite an experience with competing muezzins calling from every minaret, together with the imam's sermon from inside of each mosque being broadcast through the loudspeakers to the world outside. Not like a sabbath Sunday back home! This would seem also to be the heart of the Coptic community with a variety of churches to visit, with a host of saints of whom, of course, I have never heard. I have to say not very easy to photograph from the outside due to the narrow streets and alleyways, and insides with many "no photos" signs etc, but herewith a couple of shots of a mosque - I decided not to count the number of columns!

The other photo is of the (somewhat restored) Roman entrance to the canal that the ancient Egyptians cut to the Red Sea (only some 2500 years ago)

PS Friend Helen will be spending the occasional night at Hanlon Towers - hope she is not expecting her bed to be made to look like mine here!


  1. They could have at least made the effort to put the bed cover on properly! ;-)
    I wonder if each 'scene' is different in every room, building up to some kind of Noah's ark in the tour guides room ;-)

  2. Poor horse looks knackered and hot but Bryan looks as fresh as...... to be filled in later;-)))
