Up soon after 5.30 to watch the sunrise and quite a lot of time then spent just walking around this amazing landscape of the White Desert. Followed by a long drive through ever changing desert to the Magic Spring Resort just by the Dakhla oasis, where we camped for the night. Very pleasant warm spring for a good splash around. The lake just by puts Verulamium to shame, and is surrounded by luscious green reed beds.
Oases really are amazing with all this greenery and then suddenly desert again, and they do not seem to have any problem with water supplies, judging by the amount they use to hose down the shower block or the sandy courtyard. The shower block here rather summed up Egyptian building methods - a nice ceramic tiled wall, with light switch falling off, and the usual tatty brickwork in front.
I am covered in bites below both knees - not sure how many but certainly scores. And they itch!